Wednesday, June 21, 2006


The shortest night of the year eventually starts with a pink and purple sunset. And the Summer Solstice WTF is at the END.


(clockwise from left) Garth, Nickie, Flyin' Willy, GyspyCat, Rubbergator, Grampoo, Vicky, and Mark. Looking forward to a summer of rides and friendship..


Look at the ketchup. Is it a clown face? A Harley rider's face? A Harley rider's rear end? Or all thats left of a California Club? (and what California club might that be?) Thoughts to ponder..


WTF was Flyin' Willy saying to GyspyCat THIS week?


That's more like it! This was taken AFTER the food was eaten. The good food and good company put smiles on their faces!


Garth, the waitress and Nickie. Okay, smile for the camera....


Grampoo ordered the halibut and chips...without even looking at a menu..


Due to the nice weather, most of the group arrived on their bikes. Must be sunny...look at the shadow Nickie and Garth are creating..


Vicky and Mark rode in they are relaxing in the sunshine!


The group sat outside for dinner. Here GypsyCat has shed her shoes and is sitting on the wall!


Grampoo arrived on his bike....don't know if it has a name....


June 21, Summer Solstice Celebration..WTF Wednesday at Poppas Pub in Kent. Rubbergator was the first to arrive riding Arlo. Flyin' Willy arrived a few minutes later on 2 Kewl. Many of the locals have left for Custer, so the WTF group was one of the smaller ones we've had. But enthusiastic nonetheless.

Friday, June 16, 2006


THE END of the blog for this week!


The birthday girl, (4 days early) Rubbergator..


Group shot!


Eagle came a little late. She wanted to wish Rubbergator a "happy birthday".


Rubbergator had something in her hand that put a smile on both faces!


Amy and LTD learned right away that you can't eat your food until there's a picture of it!


It wouldn't be a PNW VROC dinner blog without shots of the food. GypsyCat ordered those flour tortilla things with the cheese and stuff inside with the name thats hard to spell...Quisadillas?


Enjoying chips and salsa (and drinks) while waiting for the rest of the food to arrive. Thats Amy and Monterey Jack in matching "salmon colored" shirts. Just a coincidence, of course, since they had never met before tonight!


To whatever it was he was saying..


GypsyCat listening to Flyin' Willy.


Amy and LTD were newbies. Glad to have you with us! We were all newbies once...

Grumpa arrived soon after. He is leaving for the Black Hills Rendevous in a few days. Nice teeshirt, Grumpa!


Another Wednesday, another WTF. Monterey Jack, Rubbergator, Flyin' Willy and GypsyCat were the first to arrive. Monterey Jack and Flyin' Willy rode their bikes..

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