Friday, August 04, 2006


These male shoulders are better support than an underwire bra!


Frances, "Mac Guy", Garth and Nickie.


Even when "Flyin' Willy" was "Flamin' Willy" he never came to a VROC event with a cool jacket like the one Marianne had on!


Hanging around outside the Ram after dinner.."Flyin' Willy" getting his gear on, "Dutch", Maryanne and Nickie look on.


Waitress brings the bills...Nickie looks less than thrilled.


From left, Nickie, "Rubbergator", Brenda, "Bear", "Flyin' Willy", "Dutch", Marianne, Frances, "Mac Guy", "Pepper Jack", Mary, Liz, "Grampoo" and Garth.


Garth, Nickie and "Rubbergator". We've got to get Garth and Nickie a couple of nicknames. Any ideas?


Someone always orders a good ole traditional hamburger and fries!


Okay "Bear", its HOW big?


"Dutch" and Marianne had on matching shirts! "Dutch" is going in for shoulder surgery soon....I figure his surgery punchcard should be full by now!


Frances and "Mac Guy" are part of the conversation too!


WTF Wednesday, August 2, 14 VROCers meet back at the Ram in Kent. We always get a good turn out when we go to the Ram. Flyin' Willy chose the location this week. Here he makes an important point to "Pepper Jack" and his wife Mary.

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